
In response to a copyright claim that the Netflix series “Stranger Things” infringed the plaintiff’s unpublished screenplays, Netflix and the other defendants filed a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss, arguing
Continue Reading “Stranger Things”:  Copyright Challenge to Popular Series Survives Motion to Dismiss

Owners of copyright in characters are often well-advised not to press their claims too far in litigation at the risk of losing their rights altogether. This may be what motivated
Continue Reading Follow Up: Enola Holmes Case Settles, Leaves Unsolved Mysteries

A planned Netflix movie about Sherlock Holmes’s sister is the target of a lawsuit from the estate of Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of the legendary detective. The estate has
Continue Reading Sherlock Holmes’s Sister Subject of Copyright Infringement Claim

Netflix’s original series “When They See Us” was released in May of this year and portrayed the prosecution of five teenagers of color who were wrongfully convicted of raping a
Continue Reading Law Enforcement Training Company Seeks To Interrogate Netflix After “When They See Us” Series Blames Company For Encouraging False Confessions

A change in the rules for Oscar eligibility proposed by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) may violate antitrust laws, according to the Department of Justice.

Continue Reading TV or Not TV: Does Academy’s Push to Block Streaming Services From the Oscars Violate Antitrust Law?

After Netflix negotiated mega raises for the main actors of its hit program “Stranger Things” in March of this year, short-film producer Charlie Kessler wants a piece of the pie. 
Continue Reading Does Lawsuit Against “Stranger Things” Creators for Idea Theft Stand Ghost of a Chance?