From cast to crew, there is little question that age discrimination still exists in Hollywood. While stereotypical example is that women of a certain age suddenly stop getting casts for
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Fox Rothschild LLP
Embarrassing FaceBook Photos Give Rise to Invasion of Privacy Lawsuit
Having an embarrassing photo posted on FaceBook is bound to happen to everyone. In fact, it is such a common occurrence that FaceBook even created a feature to allow the…
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Locker Room SnapChats May Result In Jail Time
With social media applications such as Instagram, SnapChat, and Facebook, it seems like people document almost every moment of their lives online. But what the social media savvy may not…
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Getty’s One Billion Dollar Mistake
Years ago, photographer Carol Highsmith gifted her photographs to the Library of Congress for its public use. But, as any savvy artist should do, she retained the copyrights to her…
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Proving A Negative – Painter Peter Doig Goes to Court To Prove He Did Not Paint A Painting
Decades ago, a corrections officer met a teenage painter in a corrections facility. He later purchased a painting from the teenager for $100, allegedly to stop the teenager from going …
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Pokémon Go User Data – Gotta Catch, And Sell, It All
Pokémon Go, the augmented reality application that has swept the nation under the guise of getting today’s youth away…
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Trespassing for Pokémon
The creators of Pokémon Go spent over five years scrutinizing map data and historic markers in order to determine where exactly to put its Pokémon portals – the places where…
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